Workshop 5

Presenting recent progress on multiple visual neural systems integration and coordination with both simulation and robotics approaches, relevant to WP2 and WP4.


Task 5.4 The STEP2DYNA Workshop Five was hosted by Guangzhou University (GZHU) at the Baiyun Hotel in Guangzhou, China. It took place on the 22nd January 2019. The workshop focused on the recent progress on multiple visual neural systems integration and coordination with both simulation and robotics approaches, and chip realization relevant to WP2 and WP4.

The workshop provided partners with an opportunity to share their progress on the milestones and deliverables. In addition to this, a number of presentations were delivered by partner leads, researchers, and students as listed below. Presenters were able to demonstrate their research and share learning with others. This also facilitated discussion and Q & A. In the evening, attendees had the opportunity to further network and share ideas.

STEP2DYNA Workshop 5 group photo in Guangzhou, China

STEP2DYNA Workshop 5 Agenda

Tuesday 22nd January 2019

Venue: Qingyun hall, Baiyun Hotel, 367th Huanshi East Rd. Guangzhou, China

  • 1200-1330 Light Lunch and Networking Baiyun Xuan (ground floor)
  • 1400-1410 Welcome talk
  • 1410-1440 Academic Presentation Session 1 and discussion         
  • 1440-1600 PI discussion focusing on:
    • Recent progress on multiple visual neural systems integration
    • Coordination with simulation and robotics approaches
    • Chip realisation
  • 1600-1615 Coffee break
  • 1615-1645 Academic Presentation Session 2       
  • 1645-1700 Wrap up discussion 
  • Evening Zhujiang Tour and Banquet        
Changlong Wang, Guangzhou University
Claire Rind, University of Newcastle

Academic presentations:

  • Changlong Wang, Guangzhou University – Equivalence theory in sparse information recovery
  • Tian Liu, University of Lincoln – The research on multi-modal pheromone guided agent distribution algorithm.
  • Cheng Hu, University of Lincoln – An overview of bio-inspired visual models research with Colias III
  • Xuelong Sun, University of Lincoln – An analysis of ring attractor for cue integration
  • Jianwei Zhang, University of Hamburg – Cross-modal perception of intelligent robots.
  • Xiaoyi Jiang, Westfaelische Wilhelms, Universitaet Muenster – Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis: Fundamental Research and Applications.
Peter Simmons, University of Newcastle
Shigang Yue and Jigen Peng