Kick off workshop, contact persons and key researchers will participate, for project management issues, update secondment plans, facilitate preliminary ideas exchange for all WPs.
Task 5.1 The STEP2DYNA kick-off workshop was hosted at the University of Lincoln (UoL) in the city of Lincoln, United Kingdom over two days on the 14th and 15th September 2016.
The workshop opened with an introduction to STEP2DYNA by Project Coordinator Prof Shigang Yue. This included an outline of the project work packages, deliverables, milestones, workshop and training plan, and secondment plans. Potential risks, management issues, and the project budget were also discussed by the partners.

On the afternoon of the first day of the workshop, Dr Claire Rind, Project Lead from the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne (UNEW), delivered a presentation on neurons sensitive to looming stimuli. This talk was held as an open event on campus.
On day two of the workshop, there was an opportunity for partners to network, exchange ideas, and participate in a lab tour. Following this were presentations and demo by UoL PhD student Cheng Hu and a presentation from Dr Biao Zhao.
Following the end of the formal group workshop, partners were invited to attend an open presentation by PhD student Farshad Arvin from UoL on swarm robots.
The agenda was as listed below:
STEP2DYNA Kick-Off Meeting: Workshop 1
Day 1: 14th September 2016
Venue: MC3108, MHT, UoL
- 14:00-15:00 STEP2DYNA introduction and overview by Prof Yue
- 15:00-15:30 Welcome audiences from SoCS and other Schools for open talk.
- 15:30-16:20 Dr Claire Rind from University of Newcastle Presentation – Raising the Alarm: Recognizing Looming Objects.

Day 2: 15th September 2016
Venue: MC3108, MHT, UoL
- 10:00-10:20 Tea/coffee and networking.
- 10:20-10:50 Presentation /demo by Cheng Hu.
- 11:00-11:40 Presentation by Biao Zhao.
- 11:50 Conclude workshop and lunch.
- 13:30 End of the kick-off workshop.
Post kick off workshop event on the same day –
- 15:00-16:00 presentation by Farshad Arvin on swarm robots, all are welcome.