Training seminar 1: Biological visual neural systems and modelling for chip designers and robotics researchers and developers. The target audience includes the key staff involved in WP1 from TU and UHAM. Neural system modellers from UoL and XJTU will present their previous research work and basic neural computation algorithms that are relevant to the proposed chip design targets.
The STEP2DYNA Training seminar 1 was held on 1 December 2017 at Tsingua University, Beijing, China.

The agenda of the seminar are detailed below:
10:00am – Arrive at Room 9-114 East Main Building, Tsinghua University
10:15am – STEP2DYNA introduction by Professor Shigang Yue, University of Lincoln
10:30am – Presentation/seminar by Jiannan Zhao (University of Lincoln):
Title: “A bio-inspired Collision Detector and Its Application on small Quad copter“
11:00am – Presentation/seminar by Xuelong Sun:
Title: “A Biology Plausible Cues Combination Model for Path Integration and Vision Information of Insects Navigation“
11:30am – Presentation/seminar by Hongxin Wang:
Title: “A Directionally Selective Small Target Motion Detecting Visual Neural Network in Cluttered Backgrounds”
12:00pm – Networking
12:30pm – Lunch
2:00pm – Presentation/seminar by Huatian Wang:
Title: “Discussion of Models for Angular Velocity Detection in Visual Flight Control of Honeybee”
2:30pm – Presentation/seminar by Xuqiang Zheng:
Title: “Design of A 40Gb/s Wireline Transceiver in 65nm CMOS”
3:00pm – Q&A session and discussion on topics presented
3:45pm – Wrap up discussion
4:15pm – Close